Barrow Gurney Mental Hospital,

Near Bristol, north Somerset...

Woodside House - the nurse's accommodation...

Below you can view the best of the photographs which we took at this site. If you wish to view any of these pictures in a much larger size then click on the thumbnail of your choice and it will open a full size picture in a secondary window...


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 This is our first stop... 
We emerged at the back of Woodside after a short scramble up a very muddy slope!
The car park does not really hint at the total dereliction inside the building...
A solitary bench left behind from better days...
What the hotel is which this sign refers to was not clear...
Time to go in!
M champing at the bit as usual!
It takes quite a while for one's eyes to adjust to the dark inside...
A plan of part of the building discarded on the floor...
Metal thieves have been harvesting copper here...
The refectory hall...
Still boarded up, but now there's little point...
Part of the kitchen area...
The kitchen proper...
An interesting legacy left over from 2006...

At the end of a very dark corridor we found these stairs to the first floor...
TJ contemplating her viewfinder...

The first floor is where the nurse's rooms are...

Parts of the first floor are totally saturated...
Chavvery and the damp at work...
The fitted cupboards in this nurse's room are mouldy and rotten...
Hand painted decoration...
Someone left their scales behind!
Looking into the car park from the first floor...
A much better area of the building with less water damage...
It appears this room has been used as an office...
Time to go...
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